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Tom Yum Ramen

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Tom Yum Ramen

  • Author: Kevin Lee


  • 1 Tom Yum “Shrimp” immi
  • 5 slices of yellow onion 
  • Handful of your favorite mushrooms, sliced 
  • ½ roma tomato, quartered 
  • 2 shrimp
  • Fish sauce, to taste 
  • Green onion, thinly sliced 
  • Squeeze of lime, to taste 


  1. Add 1 ½ cups of water to a small pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Then, add the Tom Yum “Shrimp” spice packet and mix until well combined. 
  2. Add the yellow onion, mushrooms and tomato, and simmer for about 4 minutes or until softened. Season broth with fish sauce, to taste. 
  3. Next, add the immi ramen noodles and cook for 6-8 minutes. Add shrimp to the pot in the last 2 minutes of cook time. 
  4. Top with green onion and a squeeze of lime juice, and enjoy!